
Amazing Chloe

Page history last edited by joshua 5 years, 12 months ago

Comments (Show all 56)

kaylee said

at 7:22 pm on Nov 11, 2014

You need to blog

amariah said

at 3:05 pm on Nov 12, 2014


steve parker said

at 12:30 pm on Nov 14, 2014

Buen suerte con sus primero volibol juego!

chloe said

at 11:17 am on Dec 11, 2014

Thank you, Mr. Parker! We lost, but it was very fun! We got to travel to Atsugi!

Leda Kati said

at 1:38 pm on Nov 14, 2014

Since Mr. Parker wrote it in Spanish I'll write it in Italian!
In bocca al lupo per la tua prima partita di palla a volo!

chloe said

at 11:19 am on Dec 11, 2014

Thank you, Mrs. Kati! I finally figured out what that meant, and thank you for the support!

Mrs Kong said

at 10:26 pm on Nov 16, 2014

Hi Chloe. Love your blog and I learned something new. The brownie picture looks great and when you said you used snagit to make it I assumed it was an ingredient...lol! I googled it and found out that it's an application for pictures and videos.

Congratulations on getting a Principle honor roll. Great job!

chloe said

at 6:28 pm on Nov 18, 2014

Thank you, Mrs. Kong! I will blog, Kaylee!

chloe said

at 6:28 pm on Nov 18, 2014

Amariah, I think she means MWA...

mae said

at 8:08 pm on Nov 18, 2014

You're not tiny Chloe! You're like Jack the giant!

chloe said

at 6:45 pm on Nov 20, 2014

Thanks Mae! I'm not sure I'm THAT big though!

Mrs Kong said

at 8:05 am on Nov 19, 2014

When it comes to sports sometimes you win some and sometimes you don't. It's all about the attitude and I'm sure next time your team will do great.

amariah said

at 11:37 am on Dec 3, 2014

Hi hi Chloe

chloe said

at 11:00 am on Dec 11, 2014


amariah said

at 1:25 am on Dec 13, 2014

:D me too

chloe said

at 9:55 am on Dec 15, 2014

Amariah!!! Why am I never on the time you are on?! I miss you! We have to be able to chat in a better way!

claire said

at 2:31 pm on Dec 15, 2014

Hi Amariah!

alyssa1 said

at 5:28 pm on Dec 16, 2014

Nice job!

amariah said

at 9:08 am on Dec 20, 2014

Hey Claire

chloe said

at 4:31 pm on Dec 24, 2014

Hey, Merrry Christmas, guys!

kaylee said

at 7:59 pm on Dec 28, 2014

Merry Christmas

chloe said

at 5:37 pm on Jan 5, 2015

little late Kaylee! LOL!

chloe said

at 9:46 am on Jan 9, 2015

Anyone there?!

amariah said

at 10:11 am on Jan 15, 2015

I'm here.
Buenos. Tardes

chloe said

at 9:10 am on Feb 19, 2015


chloe said

at 8:04 pm on Jan 20, 2015

Hey Yall! 52 blogs, I'm getting the hang of this LOL!

chloe said

at 1:03 pm on Jan 28, 2015


chloe said

at 10:11 am on Feb 4, 2015

Amariah where r u?!

Sophie said

at 2:03 am on Feb 11, 2015

Hi Chloe it is Sophie. I really like you blog.
The picture of chocolate is so cool. I love chocolate!

chloe said

at 10:39 am on Feb 13, 2015

Hey Sophie. Were you a 5th grader in Mr. Parker's class last year?
Thanks 4 comenting on my blog!
Happy V-day!

chloe said

at 7:51 pm on Mar 20, 2015

Tip for the shake your head illusion: Blur your eyes and look at it!

chloe said

at 9:00 pm on Apr 28, 2015

Wait a sec...
Is it you, the SOPHIE? My pen pal?

amariah said

at 3:15 am on May 3, 2015

*cricket chirping* shhhh *chirp* SHHHHH *chirp* *pulls hair out * cricket stops chirping *awkward silence* *chirp* *goes insane*

chloe said

at 3:10 pm on May 17, 2015

lol Amariah

mae said

at 3:27 am on Jul 27, 2015

I love your blog!! Keep up the good work :D

Steve said

at 10:45 pm on Aug 6, 2015

Hi Chloe, what are you doing this summer? I saw that you went to Alaska. What are you reading? I read a lot of good books this summer. One was about a chess match. Another was about an astronaut. It was called The Martian. We went to NASA space center in Houston. We will have a space day (or two) when we go back to school!

chloe said

at 2:05 pm on Aug 8, 2015

Sounds great Mr. Parker! This summer I read a ton of books, and became a member of the library here in the States,
I tried salmonberries for the first time, they're really good! I did lots of fun things, including seeing magnificent glaciers.
Can't wait for Space Day!

asahi said

at 5:46 pm on Sep 18, 2015


katelyn said

at 8:37 am on Nov 16, 2015

wow your blogs great

chloe said

at 8:41 am on Dec 4, 2015

Guys this was last year XD!

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