

Page history last edited by steve parker 7 years, 4 months ago




These waterlilies have adapted to maximize their collection of sunlight in a watery environment 



An adaptation is any structure or behavior that helps a living thing (plant or animal) meet its needs and survive in its environment.  Plants and animals have adapted to an amazing variety of environments.  There are adaptations that help organisms keep warm, collect water, get food, defend themselves, and protect themselves. Techniques include camouflage, migration,  flocking, and schooling.  Can you find one?  Please show us an image and explain the adaptation you discovered. 




Image  Adaptation 
  How this picture is adaptation is because i'ts camouflaging into it's own environment and protecting it's self from their creditor. P.S This is a iguana.This is a structural adaptation.Alaysha 
How this family of polar bear is adapting is because the mother is protecting her kids while she is blending into their environment for protection. This picture is cute!!This is a structural adaptation. Alaysha  

This beluga adapts because the blow hole help it get some oxygen in the water so they can survive.This is a structural adaptation.



  This penguin has an adaptation against predators. The black on it's back blends in with the bottom of the sea. The white on it's belly blends in with the sky above it.This is a structural adaptation.-Levi   
  This is an adaptation of a chameleon. Chameleons blend in to there surroundings so their predators can't find them as easily. This is a structural adaptation.Titus

This squirrel is adaps by the seasons and in this picture the season is Fall so the color of the skin is brown. This is a structural adaptation.


  This is the adaptation of a wolf. This is the home of the wolf right next to a road. You can see the wolf in the bottem left corner. Their is proubuly a wolf den in side bush or tree. that area is in the middle of forest. To bad the road was built near the habbitat. How bad it must  be to have to listen to loud cars at night.This is a behavioral adaptation.Matthew.T

This is the addaptation of a swan. You can see its swimming right now. You see they live in  lakes or rivers. I think it lives in a vally or its near the ocean.This is a behavioral adaptation.

Matthew.T  matthew, talk to me about this one.


This is a adaptation of a Seal. This is where seals live and some seals live in the North or South Pole or they can also live in Antarctica.Also seals swim in water. This is a structural adaptation. Misa 


  This is a adaptation of a Monkey. Monkeys have long tail that helps them grab fruits from the branches or hang on the branches. They have long legs that help them jump from long distance. They have pointed nails that protect them from the predators and climb up to the tree.This is a structural adaptation.Bien 
  this is an adaptation of a king cobra.It shoots out venom from their mouth.This is a strucural adaptation.Ian1 

This is a Adaptation of a Flounder. Its skin is the same color of the ocean floor to keep it hidden from predator like seabirds.This is a strucural adaptation.


   This giant rafflesia it is stinky that it attract bugs and help it grow.This is a strucural adaptation.sean

This is a Tasier you can find it the the Philipine's. It's adaptation is it it's eyes it is big so at night it can see well ! This is a strucural adaptation. Tatianna


  This porcupine has a defense adaptation. When it hears a predator it loosens its quilts and stabs them. Very painful very efficient. This is a strucural adaptation. LEVI 
  Tigers striped coat helps them blend in well with the sunlight through the tree tops to the gungle floor.This is a strucural adaptation.          makena 

Dolphins have adapted to their environment. They are able to survive because of these adaptations. A dolphins’ long nose helps them kill sharks. A fish's back fin goes side to side. When the dolphins dives  up to get air, Their tails moves up and down. Dolphins need to save oxygen while they dive underwater. To do this, their bodies adapt in several ways. Another way it saves oxygen is in its muscles. The dolphin’s only have baby teeth (or one set of teeth). They use their teeth to catch fish. This shows that they are very smart. These are some of the ways the dolphin adapts to its environment. This is a strucural adaptation.Bien

  Squirrelmonkeys adaps with their body that helps them move with out dieing.This is a behavioral adaptation. Alaysha 
  This is a adaptation of a lion. A lion has a very fluffy mane and near it's mouth it has whiskers like a cat. A lion belongs to the cats family.This is a strucural adaptation.Matthew T -_-
  This is the adaptation of a alligator. A alligater is a reptile there are many other reptiles to. This is one of them . A aligater is like a dinosaur exapt smaller.This is a strucural adaptation.  Matthew.T  )_(

This is Hog. It's Adaptation is it horns it's horns defend it's self for them to survive from its prays ! This is a strucural adaptation.Tatianna 

  This stag beetle adaps by suking necter that comes from the trees and they come out at the night or dark places and be in their home until night wich is their supper time and when there is a girl then two of them fight and who ever wins gets to mate with the girl. This is a behavioral adaptation.Alaysha 
  This Pandas adaptation is in China.It eats bamboo, and eats leaves, grass, and before in accent China they use to eat meat.This is a behavioral adaptation. Cameron. P
  This is the adaption of a tucan a tucan has a large orange beak to crack open nuts. They usally live in a rain forest.This is a strucural adaptation.Matthew.T 
  This is the adaption of a rino. a rino has a twohorns on its head and big ears. rinos live in a jungle.This is a strucural adaptation.Matthew.T
  This is a kiwi bird and it lives in the Dessert.It eats insects, and it eats 1/2 of a cactus.This is a strucural adaptation. Cameron.p 
  This is an adaptation of a horned lizard. It blends in with the dirt, so it's enemy cant find him and eventually goes away. If it does, then it squirts out blood from the eye into the enemy's mouth. Pretty gross. This is a strucural adaptation. Summer
  This is a box jellyfish.It's adaptation is in the ocean and it is the most deadliest jellyfish in the world.This is a structural adaptation.Cameron.P 
    The scientific name is Dionaea muscipula. The traps are located in on the tip of the stem. Here is a video of a fly trap eating a fly.This is a structural adaptation.Alaysha
-Long eyelashes keep blowing sand from getting in their eye
-Thick eyebrows shield the eyes from the desert sun
-Closely set nostrils keep sand from getting in their nose
-Stores fat (not water) in their hump. The fat can be metabolized for energy
-Body temperature fluctuates (93-107 degrees) to conserve water (by preventing the camel from sweating)
-Thick lips so camels can eat prickly desert plants without pain
-Feet are wide to assist camels in walking on desert sand
-Ears are covered in hair, to help keep out sand
-Their color helps them blend in with the desert scene.These are strucural adaptations.- kayla1
  This is a horned toad lizard.It's adatation is it's food and growth and it lives in the desert.It eats small bugs, other lizards and it blends in with the desert's plain flat ground so the other lizards don't eat him.this is a structural adaptation. Cameron.P

The Zebra Duiker.  Some of it's adaptions are that they have even toed hooves, horns, and a four- chambered stomach structure that allows them to digest a diet of plants.  These are structural adaptions. 


This is a eagle.It's adaptation is it's eyes.It eats lizards, snakes, and other birds.This is a structural adaptation. Cameron.P


  This is a hawk.It's adaptation is it's eyes.It eats dead animals, and it is the most dangourous bird in the world.This is a structural adaptation. Cameron.P
  scorpions adaptations is that they will hunt for food at night and stay under a rock un till they see a predator.and they are flexiable so it can move more and climb better.and it has a exoskeliton that acts armour against outher animals that might want to eat.also,it's tail has a snack of poison on the tip of it that can stun or kill it's attacker's.This is a strucural and behavioral adaptation.evan.r

This is a rattlesnake.It's adaptation is it's eyes.It smells it's prey.It eats animals in it's way.It is the most deadliest snake in the world. This is a structural adaptation.Cameron.P




The giraffe has thick saliva which helps it eat

thorny trees because the saliva protects it's

mouth. This is a structural adaptation.Bobby 


 This is a sheep. It's adaptation is it's double hooves. The sheep has a hard outer shell and a soft inner making them flexible and therefore helping them when climbing over precautious terrains. This is a structural adaptation. Maliyah!


   This is a cardinal.It's adaptation is it's food and growth.It eats , bugs, and insects.It is the most popular bird in the world.This is a  behavioral adaptation.Cameron.P 

 This is a seahorse. A seahorse can camouflage very quickly in it's surroundings.They can use their camouflaging for courting. The dads can carry their babies in their pouch. Hey seahorse," Feather your own nest".andrea


   This is a oter. 
    If a tooth fell out he tooth behind it will move up.Megalodons have rows of teeth.Jovian( A Megalodon is a shark.)this is a structural adaptation.

Here is a jellyfish. A jellyfish has stingers not only to help them keep warm when they sing with their fat cells but too also help catch prey.This is a structural adaptation. Mae
  This is a sea turtle. A sea turtle's life cycle starts with a egg first the father turtle fertilizes the egg so the turtle come to life. turtles have shells that protect it's soft body.This is a structural adaptation. Matthew 






This is a zebra. One of the zebras adaptation is long legs so they can have faster legs. One other zebra adaptation is doble jointed ears so they can talk to other zebras or to give out warnings.This is a structural adaptation.-Kayla1



 This is a sea bass.  It's adaption is it's belly is white and its back is dark.

This is so when a predator looks up it thinks it is looking at the sky and

when a predator looks dawn it thinks it sees more water.

Sea bass can grow to be about 1 1/2 feet long.

If you go fishing for sea bass they can put up a good fight so you beter be strong.


It would appear that the shape of the hammer-head has to do with an evolved sensory function.  jerimiah

 The Gray Wolf has teeth and claws for hunting. The fur of the Gray Wolf is a great insulator that can keep out moisture. The hearing and sense of smell of a Gray Wolf is greater than that of a human. This is a structural adaptation



   This is a elephant. The elephant has tusks that can be used for digging, marking, fighting, and feeding. Also the trunk can pick up heavy objects, examine objects, and pick up food. The trunk is also used for breathing. These are all structural adaptations - Summer. 
  This is a shark; A shark has gills so it could breath under water. And sharp teeth so it can chew it's food up. It has no bones and rough skin so when is goes deep under water they won't crush. A shark has two rows of teeth instead of one row like us humans. A shark has a tail, and three fins so they could swim.This is a strucural adptation. Austin

 This is a white tailed deer. A white tailed deer have brown and soft fur to keep them warm during winter time and they also have antlers to help them from other predators. A Dear can hear a predator making noise from 100 yards away. Deer has a skinny legs for running fast.  This is a structural adaptations.



  This is a Angler fish. An Angler fish has a light that shines above its head for it to see at the bottom of the ocean. Their lights shine and it will attract other fish for it to eat and it has jaws like a pirahna and they have big eyes to see. A angler fish's light can be all types of colors like green, yellow , blue,and orange.They are hard to find unless your in  a submarine at the bottom of the ocean. this is a structural adaptation.Matthew
  This is a cat; A cat's adaptation is their sharp claws to climb things, running or for traction. Cat's have flexable spines; their spines help them enable their muscles when they run. Cat's have wiskers to feel.This is a structural adaptation Austin 
  rena jones


  This is a bee; Bee's have sharp stingers, so they can sting people. Bee's pick up something called pollen from flowers, they pick up pollen, so they can make honey. Most bee's are found down in the south. Bee's have wings, so they can fly.this is a structural adaptation.Austin 
  This little guy is called thorny devil lizard and he is very interesting. When you drop a liquid on him or her it has a straw that  is located  on its body. The straw goes to its mouth so it gets something to drink. this is a structural adaptation. Andrew
  This guy has very sharp teeth and sharp claws. They help him survive. By chewing and killing. So this is a behavioral adaptation. Andrew 
  Penguin's structural adaption is they have flippers to swim in water. Penguins swim away from predators.   They also get food with their flippers.                                                                            Elijah  :P
  This is a T-rex; A  T-rex has rough skin, so the sun can't effect it. They have sharp teeth, so they can tear down their prey. They are meat eating animals. They use to live on earth like hundreds of millions of years ago.this is a structural adaptation.Austin 

This is a Gerenuk. Gerenuk means giraffe necked in the Somali language. The Gerenuk live across 4 countries: eastern and central Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and northern Tanzania. The scientific name of the Gerenuk species is Litocranius walleri. They weigh 80 to 115 lb. The Gerenuk are herbivores. The Gerenuk is a type of antelope. Only males have horns, so the picture (left) is of a female. They are hunted by, sadly, humans, wild dogs, cheetahs, leopards, lions, and jackals. They eat on two legs, just like us! An estimated 95 K remain on earth. That's 95,000! Their structural adaptions are there ears, to hear predators from afar, and their necks, to eat the leaves at the top of trees! Clearly, they're pretty special! Chloe

This fish is called a flounder and in this picture he is camouflaged with the ocean floor this is called a structural adaptation,and this fish is doing that to catch it's prey, and also i've heard that you can eat this fish.




uh soo hard to see


 This is a arctic fox. They lIves in the southern Asia and the southern Canada.

this fox changes it's color each season this picture was taken some where in winter because it is snowing and the fur is white. Any ways this is called a structural adaptation because it camouflages with the snow.


 Southern Red Muntjac/ Indian Muntjac

The Southern Red Muntjac, or Indian Muntjac





This is a fisher. They live out in forrests in Pennsylvania in the country area and they are about the size of a baby bear and they kill ,and eat cows and horses. They have only killed 1 human ever known to man kind. It takes 5 bullets of any type of gun ,but not a bazooka. They don't really like cold climates. They're sort of like bears because they hibernate. Their fur is normally black or brown. Their tree climbing skills are also amazing and they have sharp claws that can cut through meat. They are also carnivores. Farmers out in the country be careful about fishers so they put up electric fences all around their barns so they don't eat their cows and horses at night.This is a structural adaptation.Matthew T.

  A clown fish's adaptation is that it lives in an anemone. An anemone lives on the bottom of the ocean. Clown fish hide in there to be safe from predators.This is a behavioral adaptation. Kristi 
  Anacondas are really long and they eat their larger prey by unleashing their jaws. It lives in the swamp and the forest and its color is tan and green and they are really good at swimming.This is a behavioral adaptation.Brice                                                 
  As with a few other cats, the Leopard has specialized ankle bones, enabling it to climb down trees headfirst. In captivity, they have been observed to hang from tree limbs by only their back feet.This is a structural adaptation. Atsar
  A great white shark adapts to it's environment by hunting down food and breathing through it's gills. Sometimes, great white sharks mistaken people for food.This is a structural adaptation.RAYIN $KY 
  A wolf adapts to it's environment by hunting deer, elk, moose, etc. It hunts in packs and communicates by howling and barking.This is a structural adaptation.RAYIN $KY 
  A cat/kitten adapts to it's environment by playing with other animals, eating it's favorite food, and sleeping peacefully.This is a structural adaptation.Rayin $KY 

This is a rolly polly, it is adapting to its enviroment by making its home in the ground.This is a behavioral adaptation.Maya :)






 The Tufted deer has a structural adaption. The large fangs you see at the front of its mouth are a structural adaptation that is used for fighting other males and also used for feeding on other animals and carrion. Sean!





The cheetah's claws make it run faster.this is a structural adaptation.Skyler 
   Asnake's main adaptation to life is its very form. With no legs, arms, ears and other appendages, it can slither through grass or among rocks  without causing  disturbance that might frighten prey.this is a structural adaptation.Elliot
  This baby penguins adaptation is to go with its mom and stay with it so it doesn't run in to a predator and get eaten.This is a behavioral adaptation.William 












Crabs are a very cool adptation a crab can be camouflauge in the sand and where they mostly live on the beach.This is a structural adaptation.Skyler   
  Jellyfish use there tenticles to sting predators or kill there food.This is a structural adaptation.JJustice
   A dolphin's tail goes up and down to help it dive up to get air.
  • Dolphins have blubber which help , helping the dolphin stay warm in cold water.
  • Blubber also serves another function,streamlining the body for better speed in the water.

         These are structural adaptation.-Ariana joy

        mussels taste good!


Mussels taste good but they also have a amazing adaptation!They can close their shells completely to keep moisture. And they close their shells completely to keep all of there moisture because they stay out at the shore alot.this is a behavioral adaptation.Christopher




This is a stick bug. A stick bug is also known as the walking stick. It's adaption is it looks a lot like a stick. This is a structural adaption. jamey





Comments (30)

cameron said

at 1:27 pm on Oct 17, 2011

I like adaptations so much

neil said

at 1:27 pm on Oct 17, 2011


cameron said

at 7:42 am on Oct 20, 2011

My favorite animal is a panda. That's why i'm putting it in the adaptations place

matthew said

at 12:38 pm on Oct 24, 2011

WoW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bien that adaptation is inpressive

bien said

at 1:17 pm on Oct 24, 2011

thanks matthew

matthew said

at 9:00 am on Oct 26, 2011


abbi said

at 9:03 am on Oct 26, 2011

abbi said

at 9:04 am on Oct 26, 2011

this is so CUTE !!!!! I like the dolphin :)

jaliyah said

at 9:05 am on Oct 26, 2011

there is a lote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jaliyah said

at 9:05 am on Oct 26, 2011

jovian said

at 9:06 am on Oct 26, 2011


jaliyah said

at 9:06 am on Oct 26, 2011

hi abbi!!!!!!!

abbi said

at 9:07 am on Oct 26, 2011

I love ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so cool

jaliyah said

at 9:08 am on Oct 26, 2011

hi abbi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jaliyah said

at 9:10 am on Oct 26, 2011

jaliyah,aaliyah,bailey,nailey,baiyah see abbi i rock

abbi said

at 9:11 am on Oct 26, 2011

Hi JB ! :)

jaliyah said

at 9:11 am on Oct 26, 2011


abbi said

at 9:12 am on Oct 26, 2011

Yes u do rock JB

jaliyah said

at 9:12 am on Oct 26, 2011


austin said

at 7:44 pm on Feb 3, 2012

My favorite page on the wiki is the adaptation page. It is soooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool..

austin said

at 3:47 pm on Feb 13, 2012

There are so many spaces.

summer said

at 4:33 pm on Apr 18, 2012

then fill those spaces up.

austin said

at 5:49 pm on Apr 2, 2012

I could do 1000 adaptations in a day, because I like it so much.

summer said

at 4:32 pm on Apr 18, 2012

Like it's even possible... I may be wrong though

isabelle said

at 1:50 pm on Sep 12, 2012

My favorite animals are the rabbit, panda and wait i think all of them

rayin said

at 6:09 pm on Sep 12, 2012

there was a WOLF pic in class. i <3 wolves

rayin said

at 8:08 am on Jan 8, 2013

whoa! isabelle! long time no see! we miss u!

andrea said

at 11:35 am on Nov 20, 2014

nice adaptations. I liked every single one of them.

sean1 said

at 11:28 am on Mar 17, 2015


sean1 said

at 11:38 am on Mar 23, 2015


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