Standard or lesson |
Links to games, lessons or activities |
and Challenges!
50 states
Lizardpoint geography games |
Try to place the states all in the right place in 5 minutes! Try to beat your score every time you play! |
United States Citizenship test |
Lattitude and Longitude
Lattitude and Longitude game |
Find Hannah in this Latitude and Longitude game.
Try to get all of them right!
Great Landform Game |
Place the right landforms and places in the right spots. |
Read and play games about the U.S. government.
learn about the government by playing this jury game!
50 states
Place states in correct place. |
community | |
get the pipes delivering what the town needs. |
continents | |
be a geospy |
3 branches of government |
3 branches of government game |
read about the three branches of government: legislative, judicial, and Executive.;) |
geography |
geonets fun games! |
Geonet, a fun place to learn about social Studies! GReat for learning about the regions! |
native americans.
native american paper dolls game.
learn about the atire of native americans.!
Read and learn about the U.S Constitution.!
Branches Of Government.
Play this game to learn more about the 3 branches of Government! |
Another U.s. Constitution Game!
Play this card game to learn about the u.s Constitution!
Checks and balances game |
Learn about the checks and balances in our government |
4SSK6 |
Primary or secondary sources '
Primary or secondary sources
Here are 2 games about the differences of primary and secondary sources. |
water crossword puzzle 4ss1.i |
Kai's Water facts crossword puzzle
learn facts about water |
interactive timeline of US history
Great timeline with all sorts of facts about us history enough for a 2-3 day lesson. |
4SS1.b |
Deante's world map video |
learn about the poles, the tropics, hemispheres, prime meridian and equator. |
continents and oceans |
a game to help learn the world's oceans and continents. |
geography for kids |
cool site including latitude and longitude practice |
National Geobraphic Geobee Daily quizzes |
practice for the Geobee! |
Christopher1's native american page and research page for Social studies classroom projects..
Here is Kristi's Early Explorer page that will teach you about early explorers.
This page will teach you about Native Americans. It is also a great research page with information about almost anything in the 4/5 curriculum. |
team pages we create based on our SS text work. Check it out! |
Social Studies Gr5 team page |
Comments (7)
james said
at 9:06 am on Sep 5, 2012
this is cool
christopher1 said
at 12:39 pm on Oct 29, 2013
solest said
at 12:40 pm on Oct 29, 2013
I am ready for Geobee
makamae said
at 12:42 pm on Oct 29, 2013
this is awsome
christopher1 said
at 12:44 pm on Oct 29, 2013
i know right
sydney said
at 10:34 am on Oct 30, 2013
the geobee is a little hard
claire said
at 11:42 am on Nov 18, 2014
yeah, WAIT... A LITTLE!?!!?
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