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last edited
by claire 8 years, 11 months ago
RULES for VIP (Very Important Poets) pages:
Danny's reading response blog
1) Only registered users are currently allowed to contribute to the VIPpoetry site.
2) You are only allowed to edit your own poetry! Yes, even if they have errors. If you want to help them out, tell them personally a change you suggest, but do not change their poems! Positive comments are welcomed!
3) No vulgar/inappropriate poetry or comments allowed.
5) Make sure your poem is an original. Do not take someone else's poem!
6) No last names.
7) Get permission from classmates before using their names in your poems.
8) Make sure graphics and pictures you use are copyright free. Try using the AEA clipart site or another free clipart database. You cannot just take a picture from somebody's website without their permission!
10) Have fun!
Title and Picture (if wanted)
Poem and Author
Is great at saying
Piplup, he likes to
Prinplup's bed.
Drawing a Yak |
Drawing a Yak!
If you start to lack,
On anything, oh no a painful whack!
You hide behind a crate,
Or behind a gate.
You carefully look out and, the start to unpack,
Because your fully under attack!
You decide to hide behind a crate,
Sitting soldier straight.
All of a sudden, what the yak!
The yak is a threat, and part of the attack!
When you unpacked your skates, you skate,
Make sure you go straight!
Because when you draw a yak,
Don’t let it be on the attack.
By: Lisa
I am a leopard as golden as a sunset just rising over the hill
I love to prance
I smell the grass beneath my paws
I can hunt viciously
I can leap over turtles in my path
I am a leopard
By Bree
History, History, History,
It always has been difficult,
It always has been a mystery,
It goes from Humus
Down, Down, Down
To Christopher Columbus.
It can be as high as the sky
Down we go to
as low as a lie!
What a mystery history is
What A mystery
By: Claire
One Short Year
One day it's January,
The next day is February,
Now March is here.
As we hustle around,
Bustling through town,
We think: How short is this year?
Now we part from all our friends,
The school year is already at an end.
But after a day
Again we'll say "Hey!"
For as we said,
"It's a very SHORT year!!!"
It all goes
Have fun now
for you will see
it all goes faster
then you and me
It all will go
sooner or later
as we look up
we think
it this our fate or...
is it just how things were meant to be?
As we run through life
time is passing
we are crying
we are laughing
As we hurry around
we scurry around
were wasting time
don't you see?
Yes, that's me.
Look and you'll see.
My hair brown and silky.
My eyes dark brown.
My arms long and round.
My hands big and nails painted.
My heart filled with caring.
I'm even way to tall.
I never have an absolutely good attitude.
My friends are special to me.
I live in Asia.
I hope to go to North Carolina State University.
I dream to be a Veterinarian.
It is clear to be.
That's positively, absolutely me
Over the rivers
Under the trees
Look hard enough
and you'll fine me
I'm not a snake,
I'm not a cow
I'll give you just one hint,
A new thing
A new thing
Can be many things
It can be a King
A new thing
Does not have any real defintion
All we know is
It is a new edition
So when someone says
A new thing
All we know is
That the saying
Is pretty useless.
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Comments (5)
steve parker said
at 10:05 pm on Feb 11, 2010
Nice Lisa, Piplup, that is a fun word to say!
Lisa said
at 10:44 am on Apr 13, 2010
Okay, read the Piplup poem you can see the word PIPLUP.
rayin said
at 6:12 pm on Sep 12, 2012
i hope i learn how to make a poem here
maya said
at 6:59 pm on Jan 8, 2013
I am terrible at poemes I dont even under stand them
i think im starting to get brain tumors!
andrea said
at 6:36 pm on Apr 22, 2015
nice poems you guys!!!! I especially like the twins'
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