Spelling options
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by steve parker 14 years, 1 month ago
Here are some options you have to taking the spelling test, if you would like.
1. Practice for a suggested 30 mins a week playing games on our spelling website.
- Got to www.spellingcity.com
- click on find a list
- search by username for parkerclass
- click on the week link correspongding to our list handout.
- or just go here http://www.spellingcity.com/parkerclass/ and click on the right week
- Your child should practice for a suggested 30 minutes per week on the games and practice tests.
2. Create a wordle, using the spelling list.
- Go to Wordle.net.
- Follow the instructions and create your wordle using the spelling list and your pretest.
- Type your name (firstname or wikiname)8 times so it will be really big.
- Type spelling~list 5 times (The tilde~will make two words appear together and will not appear in your wordle.)
- Type any words misspelled on your pretest at least 3 times.
- Type all the other words in your spelling list once, taking care to spell them all correctly.
- Print out your wordle and turn it in on the due date or...
- Create a page and save it using the following convention (first or wikiname.spelling.unit #) for example Sarah.spelling.14 and insert your homework in the spelling folder. (hint: Create a page and page into folders videos are on the how to page)
3. Write your own story, using all the words from our list.
- The story can be similar to the story we use for our test, but it should be your own creation.
- All words from the list must be used. Extra credit for bonus words.
- Your story may be handwritten or typed (correctly!). Either way, it must be legible. You may be asked to read it aloud.
- Print out your story and turn it in on the due date or...
- Create a page and save it using the following convention (first or wikiname.spelling.unit #) for example, Sarah.spelling.14 and insert your homework in the spelling folder. (hint: Create a page and page into folders videos are on the how to page)
Spelling options
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