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kwl electric

Page history last edited by Celine 14 years, 8 months ago




Welcome to Mr. Parker's class Wiki K-W-L page








Hello, Welcome to Mr. Parker's class wiki KWL pages.  Please feel free to click on the edit button above and add comments as directed.  We are going to start with a simple K-W-L exercise.  Please click edit at the top of the page and write what you know about __electricity____in the first column of the table below followed by your first name and then write what you would like to know in the second column (followed by  your first or wiki name). Be sure and put your name in each cell so you will get credit for your comments and be sure and click save at the bottom of the page when you are finished.  Or if you would like to leave a comment about the wiki, go to the comment block at the bottow of this page and tell us what you think. 





What I know What I would like to know What I learned

I know that electricity is dangerous. 

How do people put electricity in a magnet. Michael  
l know that electricety is fast . how fast eletricity move   
Robots are built with electricity.Michael  Can robots talk to people if they need to.Michael   
Electricity is a secondary energy source.(I learned this in 2nd grade.)  How does electricity form light? Lizzie  

Electricity can be made by rubbing a baloon on your hair. 

how does that work. Trevor  
if we didn't have electricity, our t.v  and computer wouldn't work. who was the first person to come up with a computer and t.v. yontare   
Electricity  powers a lot lof item. How do you control elictricity? Lisa   
When you get electrocuted it can hurt badly. Celine Can someone get electrocuted so badly that they die? Celine I learned that electrons and protons are attracted to each other because they're opposites and opposites attract. Celine 
Electricity is very powerful Jade  Can electricity kill a person if you stick something in the socket? Jade   
Electricity can be both good and bad. Destiny How does electricity make power for other powerful items.  
electricity comes from lightning.owen   how is electricity powered?  Electricity is powered by big generators that are ran by fule.owen 
 I know that electricity can work things out. How is electricity made?Garrett   
Electricity travels in closed loops, or circuits.  How does it travel?Anthony  
Electricity is very deadly.

What makes electricity deadly? Casey


Electricity has AC and DC.  How much power does it take for a electric generator to send electricity to other places.  David   
Electricity is made by current.  What causes an elecriclal shock? Ja'lynn   
Electricity could make a fire. Who discovered electricity? Rick  
Electricity is yoused in allot of things!  what is Electricity? Rosie   



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