
K-W-L moon

Page history last edited by Michael 15 years ago



Welcome to Mr. Parker's class Wiki K-W-L page








Hello, Welcome to Mr. Parker's class wiki KWL pages.  Please feel free to click on the edit button above and add comments as directed.  We are going to start with a simple K-W-L exercise.  Please click edit at the top of the page and write what you know about Phases of the moon  in the first column of the table below followed by your first name and then write what you would like to know in the second column (followed by  your first or wiki name). Be sure and put your name in each cell so you will get credit for your comments and be sure and click save at the bottom of the page when you are finished.  Or if you would like to leave a comment about the wiki, go to the comment block at the bottow of this page and tell us what you think. 





What I know What I would like to know What I learned

The moon is round. Steve



What are the phases of the moon? Steve   
The moon has holes in it. Rosie  How menny phases are there of the moon? Rosie   
The moon is big and white.  How did the moon get created?   
The moon has no life on it.  Does the moon haves storms like we do?   
The moon has four shapes.   Why do they change shapes?   
The moon is always around the earth at least on one side.  what is the moon made of ?  
The moon is orbiting the earth. kennith

What does the other side of the moon.

The moon keeps light for the earth during night.Lizzie  Why do we need the moon? Lizzie  The part of the moon that shows is the part that light is shining on.Lizzie 
The moon has no air on it. Jade How did the moon get it's ronnd shape? Jade  The moon is round.Jade 
Some shooting star crashed into the moon.Rick  Was there a moon in the13thousand.Rick  
The three planets that orbet the sun faster will crash in the sun in a thousand years.Casey  Does plotoe have a moon?Casey   
the moon orbits earth .  anthony                                       was thier water on mars  .     anthony  
The moon has craters caused by meteors. Lisa  What color is the moon? Lisa  One planet has more than 60 moons. 
The moon has dust in it. Celine Does the moon have water on it? Celine  I learned that there can be more than the same phrase in a row. Celine
The moon gose arond the sun. brenna  Why dose the moon go arond planets.  
Jupiter has a big twister that looks like a hole. Luan  How big is the huge twister thats in Jupiter? Luan   
I know that space dousn't  why can you only see one half of the moon sometimes?  Jason The moon has craters on it. Jason  
The moon is earths satellite. David  How fast can the moon travel.   
The moon has less gravity.  Destiny  How long did it take for the moon to get so big.   

The moon has lot*s of holes in it.Michael 

Does the moon cover the sun for it to light up?  I learned that the moon light*s up by itself but how?Michael 



Comments (5)

Janice VanCleave said

at 7:43 pm on Aug 14, 2009

Mr. Parker,
I know that your students are going to have a fun time in your class this year.
I would like to know more about creating a great wiki like this one.
I have learned that it would be fun to be part of a science project in your class. Let me know if you have any ideas how I might do that.
Janice VanCleave

warren said

at 12:31 pm on Feb 13, 2014

hi i am cool

aidan said

at 6:32 pm on Nov 12, 2014

very funny warren LOL

aidan said

at 6:33 pm on Nov 12, 2014

but yes you are cool

aidan said

at 6:33 pm on Nov 12, 2014

and so am i

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